Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Battle Report: Circle Orboros vs. Cryx

I got to play another game with Baldur the Stonesoul against PG_MrRuffles (Brian). He's been playing Cryx for the last while now and he was gracious enough to give me a game at 50 points. I got to break out Baldur2's Theme Force at the level I've been wanting.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Black Dragon Iron Fang Pikemen Preview

Privateer Press opened the online store for the upgrade kit for the Black Dragon Iron Fang Pikemen UA. This is really cool that Privateer has given us a second use for the same unit with different abilities. I think players will really like the versatility of it. One big issue for players will be tournament readiness of the models. I know personally that I'll be stopping anyone from playing the Black Dragon Pikemen at an event I run unless the entire unit that's being fielded has the correct shields, as per the SR2012 conversion rules.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Battle Report: Circle Orboros vs. Cryx

I played Tony finally at my LGS on Tuesday. I came prepared to play 50 points of Baldur the Stonesoul's Theme Force. Tony only really has enough for 35 points and I'm more than willing to pair down my list to make it work. I'm very happy with my 50 point list so I thought it'd be difficult to slim the list down. It turned out not to be the case. I ended up dropping the Woldwarden, Shifting Stones, and Lord of the Feast from my 50 point list to make it 35 points.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Minuteman Preview

Privateer has given us the Minuteman model on their website. I think the model looks awesome and is pretty much spot on from what I expected. I really don't want to face many of these guys in the game though because they pack such an awesome punch and are highly maneuverable. I hope some of my locals play them so I don't have to face them only in a tournament.

Painted Lord of the Feast - WIP

One of the original character solos for Hordes, the Lord of the Feast is an infantry-murder machine. I dread playing against him and I'm very happy to field him against my foes! He's a big part of my anti-infantry strategies in Baldur2's Theme Force as I want Baldur casting more Roots of the Earth and Rock Wall rather than Crevasse. Reach, a semi-Thresher like ability, and a teleport, who could ask for more?

The Lord of the Feast needs a dip yet so he's not complete. That's why the bone looks so flat. The dip shades that just the way I really enjoy, so I'm going to be doing that this week.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Knights Exemplar Resculpts

I found this over on It seems that Privateer Press is rescuplting the Knights Exemplar models. This bodes well for any Grand Exemplar Kreoss Theme Force players to give them more sculpts. No word yet if they are plastic.

Painted Celestial Fulcrum - Finished

I spent Sunday night finishing off the Celestial Fulcrum. I'm very, very happy with how it turned out. The model is so detailed and just looks amazing. It is really a centerpiece for my army. I can't wait to get to play it on the table! Right now, I'm preventing myself from playing Baldur the Stonesoul's Theme Force until I finish all the models for it. All that's left is the Lord of the Feast, a unit of Druids of Orboros with Overseer, and two Gallows Grove solos. I'm very happy with how the army looks together. A very neat looking Stick and Stone force.

There isn't a good way to take pictures of this model, but here's my best attempts!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Swamp Horror, Rok, and Exemplar Errants Previews

Privateer Press gave us three presents today, the Swamp Horror, Rok, and Exemplar Errants. We could have expected the first two, but the third was a complete surprise! Plastic, for a full 10 man unit, for cheaper than the metal models? Hell yes! That's awesome.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Painted Celestial Fulcrum 2 - WIP - Now with more moons

After LGS night last night, I decided I could spend some time getting the moons in shape to be glued onto the Fulcrum. Mind you, I still have plenty of detail work to do on the model. This model is really shaping up to be something special for me and I'm happy to have been working on it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Painted Celestial Fulcrum - WIP 1

So I've been painting my Celestial Fulcrum since Sunday, trying as best I can to get it done. I've decided to build it in parts as they'll be the easiest to paint. I put together the base, the druid holders, and the holder for the orb itself and orb. I then painted this part. It took a long time due to the amount of detail as well as the size. I realized afterwards that doing it this way was a bad decision as I had a lot of difficulties painting the bottom part of the orb due to angles of the brush to the orb. If I was going to do it again, the orb would be a separate piece. After finishing those parts, I worked on the remaining two pieces of the main orb as well as the three smaller orbs. The three small orbs didn't get done in time for the pictures.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Painted Baldur the Stonesoul

As part of the recent Wold painting, I've painted Baldur the Stonesoul in preparation of playing his Theme Force at 50 points at Tier 4. I've avoided the original color scheme in that I wanted all of Baldur's armor to be stone rather than a mixture of stone and metal. I like the look a lot more.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Painted Shifting Stones 2 and Sentry Stone & Mannikins 2

I worked on these 7 models at the same time as 4 of them have the same scheme and the other 3 have another scheme. It worked out well. To differentiate between the two different units, I changed the flower color from red to an orange. This allows my opponents to know they are different as well as help me keep track of which is which. I'm very happy with how they look together. I didn't make the Stone Keeper for the Shifting Stones specific so I can use him with whichever Shifting Stone unit I feel before the game.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Paint Stone Keeper

Here's my painted Stone Keeper unit attachment for the Shifting Stones. This guy is pretty cool in that he teleports with the unit and has an AOE with Critical Knockdown. For only 1 point, you really can't ask for more! But, really, there is. He also gives the unit of Shifting Stones Stealth which is a really neat ability for them. Very good for such a cheap package.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Skorne Venator Slinger Model Preview

PP released the Venator Slingers today. The models look pretty nice. There are only 4 sculpts in the 10-man unit, but Privateer has continued the trend of releasing all 10 models of a unit in one box. They aren't too expensive for $50 US either.

For a 4/6 cost unit, I think they are really nice against Cryx, Constructs, and other armies with non-living models. A range 10, POW 10 with 3d6 damage against non-living can do quite a bit of damage on a direct hit. Warjacks and Undead traditionally have a lower Defense, allowing them to hit harder. With Hexeris2 and his spell Black Spot, you can get quite a few models with these guys for cheap! Arcing fire can easily allow you to hit the back lines of someone's army too.

Painted Woldwyrd

The next and final Wold for now is the Woldwyrd. This is my second Woldwyrd and it is painted the same colors as my first one. I'll be using a mark on the back of the base to tell the two apart while playing.

These guys are very nice on the tabletop with the ability to shoot 3 shots, no knockdown, Purgation (free additional die on attack and damage rolls against models with enemy upkeeps), magical weapon, and a ranged attack against models that cast a spell. It also has a limited ranged Lamentation which is really neat for a denial tool. This model just does really well from a ranged support piece for the rest of the Circle models.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Errata 2012

Privateer Press released their latest errata in time for convention season starting with Templecon. There were a bunch of changes that I'll list below that affect quite a bit of the game. A lot of groaning is being suffered by players who ran Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast because her feat Fate Weaver can no longer target any battle engines, friendly or enemy.

The full errata can be downloaded here:

Painted Woldwatcher

As part of my continuing Wold saga, I've finished my Woldwarden. I screwed up on him originally and gave him a red/brown wash which messed him up and I had to repaint him. He's done now and ready to help protect Baldur from assassinations!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Collection (1/4/12)

This is the entire collection, as of 1/4/12. I'm probably still missing some models that have been lent out to friends.

Painted Sentry Stone & Mannikins

I posted the WIP on the Sentry Stone on the first, here's the full group of Mannikins and Sentry Stone. As I'm going with a desert/sandstone feel for my constructs, I figured red/orange would highlight away from the green that the wolds use. The plants are an interesting point on these models, drawing the eyes away from the head and arms to the chest and joints. The Mannikins are painted with the same wood technique as the wolds.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Amazing Spartan Buildings/Terrain

I've been drawn in to Dystopian Wars lately more and more due to their outstanding small scale resin figures,  The latest offering, Dystopian Wars Terrain/Buildings, are fantastic as well.

Painted Megalith

I finished up my Megalith that I had half-painted when I stopped painting Circle way back when. I'm happy to have him done. The wood on him looks a little dead rather than alive so I think I'm going to put some autumn foliage on his back to spruce him up. He's got quite a lot of detail and is just an amazing model to paint.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Painted Wold Guardian

My next model painted for my Circle army was a Wold Guardian. He's much smaller than a Woldwarden, but I think he looks much cooler. I'm also pretty sure that Baldur wished he had one when Lylyth ambushed him in the storyline and almost killed him.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Painted Shifting Stones and Sentry Stone - WIP

For New Year's Eve, I stayed in while Johnny and Kate slept. I decided that I should get painting, putting an awesome year of painting in 2011 down and getting into 2012 right.

Instead of painting more Blindwater (which I'll get back to soon), I've decided to paint Baldur the Stonesoul's Theme Force Hour of Reckoning. To start with, I worked on my Shifting Stones and Sentry Stone that I've had primed for awhile. I knew they'd paint up quick and be pretty easy for a night of relaxing.