Monday, September 19, 2011

Painted Harrower

As we last saw here, my Harrower was about 2/3rds of the way done. Tonight, I managed to get the painting bug (and infect a few of my friends with it) and got the bad boy done. Hell yeah! About time too because I need to get a Theme Force done for Lost Hemisphere for the Vox Populi Clash painting. I'm currently working on my Mortenebra Theme Force as it is one of my favorites. Without further ado, the finished Harrower (except basing).

I need a lightbox... sigh.


  1. only problem is that it is Cryx...and you are such a nice guy.

  2. Menoth will be soon John, maybe after some Legion or Minions. Hell, I might even work on Project: Weird Science for a bit!

  3. Very nice, good job getting back into the painting! :-)

  4. Hopefully it stays around for awhile so I can finish a few of the projects I have started.

  5. Looks good - will definitely look better once the base is finished. I see some OK WIP stuff in the background too - which reminds me that my Ogres need some attention too, once I pick up the new army book.

  6. Hahaha, yeah Garou, I have an Ogre Kingdoms army now specifically to play some people at my LGS. I've gotten two Bulls painted and am trying to work on the remaining 4 I own.
