Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unbound Game 2

I got together with three friends (Konkel, Dave, and Danny) to play a big Unbound game. It would be my second game and everyone else's first. We decided that we'd determine the scenario and teams randomly before the game (this won't happen again). We ended up with Protectorate of Menoth (Dave) and Circle Orboros (Danny) against Konkel (Khador) and myself (Cygnar this time around). Talk about teams that hate their teammates!

We ended up playing the Scorched Earth scenario. Konkel and I were the defenders, Dave and Danny the attackers. In hindsight, I'm always choosing to be the attackers going forward as Konkel and I had the choice.

The game ended on turn 3 with Danny and Dave destroying three buildings to achieve victory. Konkel and I just didn't have the speed to cope with their lists. Well, this lesson with just remind me to play Cryx and play fast stuff.

Each player brought 100 points to the table. List and photos of the start and end of the game after the break.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Painted Slayer

So I've finished another model, this time a Slayer Helljack. This completes my latest Theme Force, Master Necrotech Mortenebra's Infernal Machines. I still need to base the model, but I'm hoping to win some Dragonforge bases to do it with. This model was pretty simple to paint as it is the basic helljack of the Cryx forces.

Painted Harrower

As we last saw here, my Harrower was about 2/3rds of the way done. Tonight, I managed to get the painting bug (and infect a few of my friends with it) and got the bad boy done. Hell yeah! About time too because I need to get a Theme Force done for Lost Hemisphere for the Vox Populi Clash painting. I'm currently working on my Mortenebra Theme Force as it is one of my favorites. Without further ado, the finished Harrower (except basing).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

August 27th Wrath Event in Chicago

August 27th (when I should have posted this) I attended a tournament run by my good friend Felix in Chicago (pokeminiatures). I ended up taking first and winning both the Champion Coin and the Cryx Coin.

For some coverage of my games, here are some relevant links hosted by my friends:

I got to play my good friend Mike (PG_Seraphsong) and ended up losing a really close game. My Cryx will avenge me next time against him. ;)

Here are some of the pictures I took.