Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Painted Celestial Fulcrum - WIP 1

So I've been painting my Celestial Fulcrum since Sunday, trying as best I can to get it done. I've decided to build it in parts as they'll be the easiest to paint. I put together the base, the druid holders, and the holder for the orb itself and orb. I then painted this part. It took a long time due to the amount of detail as well as the size. I realized afterwards that doing it this way was a bad decision as I had a lot of difficulties painting the bottom part of the orb due to angles of the brush to the orb. If I was going to do it again, the orb would be a separate piece. After finishing those parts, I worked on the remaining two pieces of the main orb as well as the three smaller orbs. The three small orbs didn't get done in time for the pictures.
Original Build
This is the original build before I realized that doing the Orb first should be easier.
Base Details Front
Base Details Rear
First Orb Panel Green'd
Orb Fully Green Front
Orb Fully Green Left
Orb Fully Green Back
Orb Fully Green Right
This is where I ended last night, getting all the bronze on the orb and side panels as well as getting all the main assembly done. All that is left is the 3 Druids and 3 Orbs.
Orb Fully Painted Front
Orb Fully Painted Right
Orb Fully Painted Rear
Orb Fully Painted Left
If you get a chance to paint a Celestial Fulcrum, I suggest you do! It is a blast to paint and one of the best models Privateer Press has ever released!


  1. Can't wait to see it!

  2. I love it.

    My convern is that the the decorative base is rather drab. I'm wondering if there's a way to spruce it up.

    Not that I'm planning to get one myself, you see.
